Welcome to Mysoulspace3, a place for body, mind, and soul.


For me body, mind, and soul are inseparably interconnected. Our bodies have awareness, our muscles hold memories, our DNA is more than the colour of our eyes, and ultimately everything is energy.

Any form of restriction – be it on a physical, emotional, mental, or even spiritual level – will manifest in imbalance, pain and dis-ease. Balance within creates freedom of movement, emotional ease, and mental clarity.

We are potent beings. Once we allow ourselves the choice to go beyond our conditioning and its limitations, we allow ourselves the experience of infinite possibilities and change on all levels.


In my Body Work Sessions I combine Bowen therapy, acupressure, and energy work to facilitate rehydration, relaxation, and activation of the body’s self-healing properties. Whilst there is remedial benefit, the focus is on holistic integration. At times the body allows us to dig deeper and unearth emotional or mental imbalances that have manifested on the physical level. I recommend following up on any issues that may present themselves with some holistic coaching.


Our feet connect us to Earth, walk with us in every direction, keep us grounded, and help us stand up for ourselves. Carrying us faithfully they get tense and tired. Give them a break with a gentle, intuitive Foot Massage that lets your feet dangle for a while and allows them to unwind.


Holistic Coaching Sessions, conducted in person or online via Zoom, WhatsApp or phone, explore the deeper causes and hidden layers of the patterns of your life. They combine holistic pain and stress management, intuitive counselling, and energy clearing including past lives and ancestral work to guide you towards personal transformation.


After 30 years as a healing practitioner I am still passionate about helping you find ease, clarity and purpose in this life. Every session is a healing session from my heart with the intent to help you create a better relationship with yourself and the world around you.


Dip. Bowen Therapy

Reiki Master

Member International Institute for Complementary Therapists (IICT)


Let me invite you to be uplifted by following me on Facebook .



Healing Body Work & Heavenly Foot Massage

Initial consultation

60 minutes $90/$80 concession

Subsequent consultations

60 minutes $90/$80 concession

45 minutes $75/$65 concession

30 minutes $50/$45 concession


Holistic Coaching (in person and online)

$120/$110 concession (times vary, allow up to 90 minutes)


Opening hours

Wednesday & Thursday 10am to 7.30pm


Consultations by appointment only.


I look forward to working with you.


Love & Light,
